Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Back in Touch Again!!

Today is Tuesday, and since our last post we have had a very full schedule. 

By God's grace our luggage arrived last Thursday afternoon, just after we spent part of the afternoon shopping for essentials..... Although TSA and who knows who else thoroughly searched all of our luggage, none of our ministry or personal items were missing! Praise Jesus-

Thursday night we held our first English Club outreach at New Horizons Church. The Church was full and our team had a great time interacting with the guests. Our theme for the evening was "Manners"; we watched Youtube videos and then discussed them. We broke into small groups and spent time discussing vocabulary words, which led into us being able to share our faith in Jesus with our guests. We began building relationships and invited everyone to join us every night this week for our English Classes.
After the outreach we worked late into the night tearing down the Church sound system and organizing everyting we'd need for the Western Ukraine Calvary Chapel conference. We began early on Friday morning; we loaded everything into a rented truck and moved it all to the conference center where it all got set up an organized. 
The conference began at 3 with an introduction by pastor Mike, worship, and then I taught through Colossians 1:1-14 encouraging everyone to seek, know, and operate in their gifting & calling.

Pastor Joe Bruch of Calvary Chapel Portsmouth, Ohio and I tag teamed the teaching all weekend, and our team provided child care, prayer, encouragement, and practical service in whatever way was needed. Local pastors and leaders provided practical workshops on Saturday afternoon. We got some really good feedback from our guests; Jesus used this weekend to strengthen and encourage the pastors, leaders, and members of the Calvary Chapels in Western Ukraine and Eatern Poland.

It was such a blessing to watch our team building new relationships and picking up right where they left off with the Ukrainians we met here in 2012. 

When the conference was over we tore down and moved everything back to New Horizons where it all got setup again for the week's ministry activities.

We used Monday morning to catch our breath. Monday at 12:15 we had our first English Outreach at the local Polytechnic Institute. We met with a "Strategic Management" class of about 15 students. During the class the Professor left the room for awhile, and when she returned she came with an invitation for us to come back today, but this time to use an auditorium and reach a greater number of students! We were able to modify our schedule and we will be heading there soon! The students also  responded positively to the invitation to come to the English classes at the Church.

Monday night's English class was not only fun, but the gospel went forth clearly. We continue to watch as the relationships and the gospel draw people to Jesus.

Keep us in prayer as our schedule is filling up fast, with more opportunities coming each day.

Literally running out the door, so please pray. Also, we'd love to read your comments and feedback so we know you're praying for us. I'll add some photos to this blog later today....


  1. It is so good to hear from you again! I have been enjoying Taylor's photos on instagram (especially because it let's me know you're all okay!).
    It's so cool to hear that the team is being well received and that your outreaches and the conference have been fruitful. How cool that the class you met with led to an invitation to present in an auditorium! So cool! I wish we were with you!
    Adam and I will continue to pray for God to do mighty and awesome things in and through your team! Please send mine and Adam's love to everyone! You are certainly being prayed for and thought of often.

  2. Thank you for the update, it's encouraging to read this!
    I'm excited to hear that you are being well received and that the outreach programs are leading to more opportunities to share the love of Jesus.
    We love you all and are praying for the whole team. God is good!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Praise the LORD for all the work that HE is doing!!! May HE continue to empower you each and every day through His Holy Spirit. We are all praying for you and we miss you!!

  4. Yay!! It is so exciting to hear about what God is doing there! I can't wait to hear more about how the larger class went! Give our love to the Pratt's! We will continue to pray for a fruitful and safe trip! Love you guys!

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